Welcome To My World!

Posted On January 21, 2021

It's 2021, and I'm starting my first blog! Now, I know I'm late by comparison to others, but I feel it's time for me to share my story. This blog will cover content ranging from exclusive behind the scenes narratives from my day to day life being a Fashion Designer + Entrepreneur+ mom to a 4 year old that I homeschool, to lifestyle, self care, and inspirational tidbits. If you follow along with my story long enough, you may suffer some side effects, like believing in yourself, being motivated/inspired, perseverance no matter how things look on the outside, and infectious "nothings going to mess up my high vibration" type of energy. Those side effects are the most important portion for me. I want my tribe to be informed about the brand, but there also needs to be a balance and some goodness that you all can take away and learn from as well. As we go on this journey together I just want to say thank you in advance for clicking the link, subscribing to my email list for updates, believing in my vision, and your continued support as I continue to evolve on this journey. Gratitude, peace, and blessings unto you. 

 My love for fashion began at a young age. I started dressing myself at 5, my mom let me, and I love her more for it. In kindergarten, I showed up to picture day with a bubble pink dress, blue tights, black shoes, rainbow berets, and all the confidence in the world because I knew I looked good. At 14, after moving from uptown Washington DC to Dale City, VA, I started to teach myself how to sew and skateboard. Back then, that part of Virginia was boring to a city kid, so I had to figure out something to do to occupy my time. I purchased a sewing machine and from there I started making skirts, dresses, purses and pillows ect. I used to go to thrift stores, buy clothes, and take them apart to learn garment construction. I copied the pattern shapes on old newspapers and eventually old paper bags because the newspaper was too flimsy. I remember trying to use a Vogue pattern once, but I couldn't read them prior to college, so I would make things from sight. I had a turning point within myself at 14. I decided after watching Teyanna Taylor's my Super Sweet 16 on MTV that even though I wouldn't be able to have a sweet 16 like hers, that if I had a daughter one day I could go all out for her on her sweet 16. I definitely was jealous at the time, but rather than being down about it, it sparked a fire in me. Fashion then became not only something I loved as a hobby, but a way out from poverty. I am the baby from 4 kids raised by a single mother and my life story will be reserved for a memoir later. Back to fashion- I would mostly freestyle and drape things on myself and sew it during my earlier days. I started to take sewing more seriously and in 11th and 12th grade year I made my homecoming dresses. By the time prom came around I had it made up in my mind that I would make my own dress. I sketched it out, went to the store and didn't buy enough fabric the first time. I remember going back and my fabric was gone, so I tried my best to match it. I didn't even attempt to make a pattern AT ALL. It's very comical now that I've went to school for design, but I literally lied down on the floor, and traced my outline of my body for my dress. I knew to add seam allowance, although I didn't know that was the correct terminology for what I was doing. All I knew was I needed space so my dress wouldn't be so tight. Another thing I found out later about my dress( once I really got into fabrics )was the front of my prom dress was a crepe fabric (more drapey)and the back was a plain satin(more stiff). I really had no idea what I was doing back then, but determination can take you a long way. I also don't remember how I had time to make my dress because I had two jobs and a half day schedule my senior year of high school. I wanted to save for college, so I structured and balanced my schedule back then. I had no idea at the beginning of senior year how I would pay for college, but I had to try. I stayed in my guidance counselor's office looking for opportunities for scholarships for school. I was nominated for the 2009 Herbert Denton Jr. Memorial scholarship by my guidance counselor for making the "greatest progress" over the time she grew to know me as a student. I based my thesis on my life and how I knew I would be successful based on these 5 attributes I possessed. They were ambition, determination, self discipline, fearlessness, and perseverance. After an interview being one out of 4 semi finalists, I won. I took advantage of my opportunity my scholarship gave me and I moved to Brooklyn. The Art Institute of NYC was the first college that accepted me as a fashion design student without a portfolio, so I went there. I always dreamed of moving to New York and it came true! I packed up all my things in two cars and my family dropped me off to my dorm August 20th, 2009 - I graduated from high school in June. Talk about a leap of faith .....stay tuned.


Just start! Who cares how saturated a market is! Everyone's got a story and no one has yours!

When I was 14 there was no real social media, so my super sweet 16 was a slap in the face for me. I compared my life to someone else's, but I used the jealously as fuel. I also didn't blame anyone for my circumstances and sulk - I set intentions, made a plan, and still blossoming today. 

I had no idea I was going to win a $95,000 scholarship, not have to pay for college, and gain a scholarship family. I was just determined to go and I worked hard - the opportunity fell into my lap and I rose to the occasion.

Let me know in the comments if you took away something else from this post!

Original Article : https://mcodelux.com/blog/f/welcome-to-my-world

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